Summary: | The recycling or reuse of waste rubber from recycled acrylonitrile-butadiene
rubber glove (recycled NBR glove) by means of blending together with synthetic
rubber styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) can gives an opportunity as an alternative
product. Results in first series indicated that SBR/NBRr blends particularly having
NBRr content up to 15 phr, exhibited improvement in tensile strength, elongation at
break, Eb and fatigue value compared with SBR/NBRv blends.
Pengitaran atau penggunaan semula sarung tangan getah kitar semula
akrilonitril-butadiena (NBRr) dengan pencampuran getah sintetik stirena butadiena
(SBR) boleh mewujudkan suatu peluang terhadap altematif produk baru. Keputusan
untuk siri pertama mendapati bahawa adunan getah SBR/NBRr memiliki sifat-sifat
penambahbaikan pada kekuatan tensil, pemanjangan takat putus (Eb) and juga
kelesuan (fatig) terutama mengandungi NBRr tidak melebihi 15 phr berbanding
dengan adunan getah SBR/NBRv.