Summary: | Kajian ini meninjau bagaimana umur, pendapatan, jantina, bangsa, persepsi terhadap
faedah insuran hayat dan pandangan terhadap risiko persendirian mempengaruhi
pemilikan insuran hayat. Perhubungan di antara tahap pendidikan dengan persepsi
terhadap faedah insuran hayat juga diuji. Kaedah persampelan mudah telah digunakan
dan sebanyak 247 calon dari seluruh Pulau Pinang telah menyertai kajian ini.
This study examines how age, income, gender, ethnicity, perception of life insurance
benefits and attitude towards personal risk affects the individual life insurance
ownership. The relationship between education level with the perception of life
insurance benefits was also studied. The convenient sampling method was deployed
and 247 respondents around the Penang Island responded.