Summary: | Stenochlaena palustris (Nama tempatan: “Paku Midin”) merupakan sejenis paku
sayur yang popular di Malaysia, Thailand dan Indonesia disebabkan teksturnya
rangup apabila dimakan. Selain itu, ia juga digunakan secara tradisional untuk
merawat demam dan ulser. Tumbuhan paku ini telah dilaporkan mempunyai kesan
antioksidatif yang kuat, akan tetapi maklumat tentang sebatian aktifnya masih kurang.
Stenochlaena palustris (local name: “Paku Midin”) is a vegetable fern popular in
Malaysia, Southern Thailand and Indonesia due to its crispy texture. It is also used
traditionally to treat fever and ulcer. The fern has been reported to exhibit significant
antioxidant effect, however, there is lack of information concerning the active
principles. As such, the present work was carried out to identify the compounds
responsible for the antioxidant effect of S. palustris.