Summary: | Satu kajian berkenaan status keselamatan kimia bagi syarikat keeil dan
sederhana telah dijalankan dalam tahun 2005 sehingga tahun 2006. Borang kajisefidik
telah diagihkan kepada 254 buah syarikat percetakan tetapi hanya 122 keping borang
sahaja yang telah diisi dan dikembalikan kepada penyelidik. Kajiselidik tersebut
bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan status keselamatan
kimia di syarikat-syarikat kecil dan sederhana dengan mengukur tahap pengetahuan
dan tahap kesedaran mengenai keselamatan kimia ke atas orang yang
bertanggungjawab terhadap keselamatal) dan kesihatan pekerjaan di sesebuah tempat
A study on the status of chemical safety of small medium enterprises {SMEs}
~as conducted in 2005 to 2006. Surveys forms were distributed to 254 enterprises but
Inly 122 forms were filled and returned. The survey was aimed to determine factors
lssociated with the chemical safety status in those enterprises by measuring the
:nowledge and level of awareness towards chemical safety of the person responsible
or occupational safety and health (OSH) at the respective workplaces. Establishment
)f safe working procedures, establishment of monitoring of workers exposure
)rogramme and medical surveillance programme, participation of workers and
~stablishment of process hazard identification, establishment of chemical safety data
,heets and establishment of operational control methods at work were found to be
issociated with the chemical safety status in small medium enterprises (SMEs).