Summary: | Hydroxyapatite (HA) as a ceramic material is widely used for orthopaedic and
dental implants, since this biomaterial has ability to stimulate osteoblast functions in
vitro and in vivo. However, the exact mechanism by which HA accelerates osteoblast
function, thereby stimulating rapid bone formation, remains far from clear. It is well
known that bone formation is tightly regulated by nitric oxide (NO) via its effects on
osteoblast and osteoclast function. Therefore, the overall aim of the present studies was
to elucidate the possible regulation ofNO in HA-stimulated HOS cell proliferation. The
present study used a human osteoblast cell line (HOS cells), since this cell line is known
to mimic the functions of normal human osteoblasts, thereby representing the biological
response of normal osteoblasts in humans.
Hidroksiapatit (HA), yang merupakan bahan seramik, digunakan dengan meluas
didalam bidang ortopedik dan implantologi pergigian kerana keupayaannya untuk
meyebabkan stimulasi fungsi 'in vitro' dan 'in vivo' sel osteoblas. Walaubagaimanapun,
mekanisma dimana HA menggalakkan fungsi sel osteoblas, iaitu pembentukkan tulang
masih tidak jelas. Nitrik oksida (NO) meregulasi pembentukkan tulang melalui
kesannya terhadap fungsi sel osteoblas dan osteoklas. Maka, tujuan keseluruhan kajian
terkini adalah untuk mengetahui kemungkina:n regulasi NO tethadap proliferasi sel HOS
yang telah distimulasi oleh HA. Kajian ini telah meggunakan sel induk osteoblas
manusia (sel HOS) kerana sel-sel ini dapat mewakili respons biologikal sel osteoblas
normal manusia.