Summary: | Kajian yang dijalankan ini berobjektif untuk mendapatkan penjelasan tentang
kesan interaksi gula-protein terhadap sifat-sifat fisiokimia matriks gluten. Kajian
dijalankan dengan menggunakan Kalorimeter Penskanan Perbezaan (OSC),
Penganalisa Tekstur, Kolorimeter dan spektrofotometer untuk memerhati
I\esan-kesan pelbagai gula (glukosa, xilosa dan sukrosa) terhadap protein
gluten gandum semasa kejadian tindakbalas Maillard. Kajian 'OSC'
menunjukkan bahawa suhu denaturasi termal bagi protein gluten gandum
bertambah dengan kehadiran glukosa dan sukrosa dan ini mung kin
disebabkan keupayaan gula untuk menstabil gluten gandum asal.
The present study was undertaken with the objective of elucidating the effect of
sugar-protein interactions on the physicochemical properties of gluten matrix.
Studies were conducted using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Texture
Analyzer, Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer to observe the effects of various
sugars (glucose, xylose and sucrose) on the wheat gluten proteins during the
Maillard reaction. The DSC studies revealed that the thermal denaturation
temperature of wheat gluten proteins increased in the presence of glucose and
sucrose, and this was probably due to their (the sugar) ability to stabilize the
native wheat gluten.