Summary: | Daism projek ini, potensi abu sekam padi putih (ASPP) sebagai
sat4 pengisi baru bagi ENR·-25 telah dikaji. I<aj ian yang
dijalankan adalah berdasarkan sifat-sifat pematangan seperti masa
pematangan (T90 ) dan tork maksimum dan juga sifat-sifat fizikal
seperti kekuatan tensil, kel~ua tan eabi kan, - modul us, pemanj angan
lpada takat putus serta kekerasan.
I n this resea rch proj ect, the potential of whi te rice husk ash (WRHA) as a new filler in ENR-25 has been studied. The
effects of WRHA in cure properties such as cure time (T90) and
maximum torques as well as physical properties such as tensile
trength, tear strength, modulus, elongation at break and hardess
have been investigated.