Summary: | Kesan faktor-faktor pemulpaan soda-AQ ke atas sifat-sifat pulpa dan
kertas tandan buah kosong kelapa sawit telah dikaji menggunakan Metodologi
Permukaan Sambutan berasaskan Rekabentuk Komposit Berpusat. Faktorfaktor
pemulpaan yang dikaji ialah alkali (A), suhu pemulpaan (T) dan masa
pemulpaan (t), dengan julat masing-masing antara 20 - 30%, 160 - 180°C dan
60 - 120 minit. Keputusan sifat-sifat pulpa yang terdiri daripada hasil
keseluruhan, hasil penskrinan, nombor Kappa dan kelikatan didapati berada
dalam julat 35.37 - 58.87%, 30.37 - 56.07%, 6 - 16 dan 5.43 - 16.02 cP.
Manakala sifat-sifat kertas seperti indeks tensil, indeks koyakan, indeks
pecahan, ketahanan lipatan, kekuatan tensil zero-span, kecerahan dan
kelegapan pula masing-masing berjulat 14.95 - 30.95 N.m/g, 5.09 - 9.22
mN.m2/g, 4.17 - 5.80 kPa.m2/g, 0.67 - 2.36 10glO, 36.18 - 57.00 N, 39.58 -
56.40% dan 94.92 - 98.26%.
Influence of soda-AQ pulping conditions on pulp and paper properties of
oil palm empty fruit bunches were studied using Response Surface
Methodology based on Central Composite Design. Alkali (A), pulping
temperature (T) and pulping time (t) were among pulping factors that had been
studied with their range between 20 - 30%, 160 - 180°C and 60 - 120 minutes
respectively. Pulps properties evaluated based on total yield, screened yield,
Kappa number and viscosity were in the range within 35.37 -58.87%, 30.37 -
56.07%, 6 - 16 and 5.43 - 16.02 cP respectively. On the other hand,
mechanical properties of handsheets produced namely tensile index, tearing
index, bursting index, folding endurance, zero-span tensile strength and its
optical properties, brightness and opacity ranged between 14.95 - 30.95 N.m/g,
5.09 - 9.22 mN.m2/g, 4.17 - 5.80 kPa.m2/g, 0.67 - 2.36 log10, 36.18 - 57.00 N,
39.58 - 56.40% and 94.92 - 98.26% respectively.