Summary: | Penyelidikan ini mengkaji kesan-kesan kaedah koperatif bersama persekitaran pembelajaran atas talian asinkroni terhadap kemahiran penaakulan saintifik, penguasaan isi pelajaran dan penglibatan konstruktivis pelajar universiti tahun pertama dalam Biologi yang sedia diajar secara blended learning. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk faktorial 2 x 2 dengan ujian pasca. Faktor pertama ialah kaedah pengajaran, iaitu, blended learning bersama teknik jigsaw atas talian asinkroni dan blended learning bersama teknik pembelajaran individu atas talian, manakala faktor kedua ialah pencapaian pelajar, iaitu, tinggi dan rendah berdasarkan skor Ujian Kebangsaan Indonesia. Pemboleh ubah bersandar terdiri dari tiga elemen, iaitu kemahiran pemikiran saintifik di dalam bentuk penaakulan Empirical-Inductive (EI) yang diukur melalui item-item ujian aneka pilihan dan penaakulan Hypothetical-Deductive (HD) yang diukur dengan item-item ujian aneka pilihan serta ujian esei, penguasaan isi pelajaran yang diukur melalui ujian topikal yang ditadbir di akhir kajian, dan tahap penglibatan konstruktivis pelajar yang diukur melalui satu set soal selidik.
This study investigated the effects of an asynchronous online cooperative learning technique on performance in scientific reasoning and content mastery as well as constructivist learning engagement among first year students currently engaged in blended learning in Biology. The 2 x 2 factorial design with post-tests only was employed for the study. The first factor was the instructional method, namely, blended learning with asynchronous online jigsaw technique and blended learning with online individual learning technique, while the second factor was student achievement as measured by the Indonesian National Examination scores. The dependent variables were scientific thinking skills in the forms of Empirical-Inductive (EI) reasoning that was measured using multiple-choice items and Hypothetical-Deductive (HD) reasoning that was measured using multiple-choice and essay questions, as well as mastery of lesson content that was measured through a topical test administered at the end of the treatment, and the level of constructivist learning engagement in the course that was measured using a questionnaire.