Summary: | The existence of gadget is like the two sides of a coin. On one side, it brings benefits to our
life, but on the other side, it facilitates negative impacts to its users. The adults have at least
been wise in their use of gadgets, children are on the contrary. Children are generally at
their age of exploring the world beyond themselves, regardless their lack of knowledge and
wisdom to sort the positive instead of the negative ones. In this research, the author
presents an incident occured at one of the private schools in Bandung, Indonesia, that is
Gagas Ceria Elementary School. Gagas Ceria Elementary School is a modern school
supported by technology media in its daily learning process. An incident has made a rule to
emerge at this school. The rule says “Gadget Use is Strictly Controlled.”
As the trend of chatting-room goups and social media is growing children at elementary
school age follows this trend as well. From 54 fourth-grader students, 34 of them joined ‘
Line’, a social media chatting-room. They intended to make social-media chatrooms as a
medium to communicate with each other, but in fact, the chatrooms are contaminated by
bullying content from some particular children to the others.