Summary: | Of the many influences on how we view men and women, media are the most
pervasive and one of the most powerful. Woven throughout our daily lives, media
insinuate their messages into our consciousness at every turn. All forms of media
communicate images of the sexes, many of which perpetuate unrealistic, stereotypical,
and limiting perceptions. Television as one of the mass media portrays women
stereotype as “Ini Talk Show” program does.
“Ini Talk Show” is like any other talk shows—the host, topic, and guests. But
“Ini Talk Show” has slight differences on the setting such as they put a house living
room concept. Besides the host, topic and guests, there are some characters shown there
such as Sule as an intern host, Andre as the co host, Saswi as Sule’s uncle, Parto as the
house security officer (Satpam), Maya Septa as the a domestic help and Yurike Prastika
as Sule’s mother.
This research is descriptive and qualitative approach using John Fiske Semiotics
which follows three types of analyses: reality level, representation level and ideology
level. The reality level includes appearance, dress, make up, environment, behavior,
speech, gesture and expression. Representation level is about technical code such as
camera techniques, lighting, editing, music and sound transmitted conventional code
representation which shape narration, conflict, character, action, dialog, setting and
casting. And the last level is ideology level.
This research shows that “Ini tak Show” program portrays women stereotype in
the media. The ideology revealed from this program is patriarchy where Man (Sule-the
main host) always gives orders and sometimes give envelopes (money) to other
characters showing the power relation. And women are represented by the two
characters: Maya the domestic help who is dutiful and submissive character that always
does what she is told to do and Mami the host mother who likes spending money on
glamorous fashion.