Čoahkkáigeassu: | Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor pelindung sahsiah waja diri terhadap tahanan juvana lelaki delinkuensi. Kajian kualitatif fenomenologi ini melibatkan seorang peserta resilien dan tiga peserta tidak resilien dari sebuah pusat pemulihan akhlak serta dua orang bekas juvana yang tidak lagi melibatkan diri di dalam kegiatan jenayah. Kajian ini berjaya memahami pengalaman peserta mengenai keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat, risiko peserta dalam kehidupan mereka, cara-cara peserta mengatasi risiko kehidupan serta pemahaman mengenai kesihatan mental, fizikal, emosi dan rohani melalui kaedah temu bual semi-berstruktur. Daripada hasil temu bual, mendapati faktor-faktor pelindung sahsiah waja diri daripada domain keluarga, sekolah, individu dan luaran membantu melahirkan sifat-sifat positif yang membolehkan peserta mengharungi stigma juvana. Selain itu, kajian ini turut mendapati kemahiran adaptasi seperti kemahiran penyesuaian diri, kemahiran untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara rasional, kemahiran untuk mengawal emosi, kemahiran untuk membentuk hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, kerohanian dan kemahiran untuk menguruskan perkara asas dalam kehidupan merupakan faktor-faktor pelindung sahsiah waja diri. Kajian ini juga mendapati sekolah dapat meningkatkan sahsiah waja diri pada diri murid melalui hubungan positif dengan guru serta penawaran pelbagai peluang penglibatan bukan akademik. Keputusan kajian dapat membantu kaunselor keluarga, kaunselor sekolah, pendidik dan pembuat dasar untuk memupuk and menanam sikap serta ciri positif untuk mencegah delinkuensi.
This research aimed to identify the protective factors in incarcerated male juvenile delinquents. It is a phenomenological qualitative research involving one resilient participant and three non-resilient participants from a probation hostel as well as two ex-juvenile delinquents who had successfully broken out of the vicious cycle of crime. Participants’ experiences of family, school and community, the risk they identified in their lives and how they managed them, their understanding of health and ways of staying healthy mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually were obtained through one-to-one semi-structured interview. From the narratives of the participants, first, this research noted that protective factors from family, school, individual and external domains played their parts in the development of positive attributes that enabled participants to overcome the stigma of juvenile delinquents in society positively. Second, the development of resiliency in an individual arises from normal, human adaptational systems such as adaptative coping skills, the ability to rationally solve problems, the capacity to regulate emotion, the ability to form close, supportive ties with others, having an internalized spirituality and ability to manage matters of fundamental importance to their life. Third, school helped to promote resilience in pupils through positive relationships with teachers who offered support and guidance. Also, school helped to promote resilience in pupils by offering multiple avenues for non academic involvement to encourage positive character development. These findings can help Malaysian family counsellors, school counsellors, educators and policymakers to promote and develop positive characteristics, attitudes and behaviours to prevent delinquency.