Summary: | Araceae termasuk dalam kumpulan tumbuhan monokot iledon dan
merupakan salah satu famili terbesar di dunia selepas orkid, rumput dan rusiga.
Spesies aroid memainkan peranan penting dalam kehidupan manusia sebagai sumber
makanan, pokok hiasan dan ubatan. Oleh yang demikian kajian mengenai taburan
Araceae dilakukan di Sungai Hau, Vietnam dan Sungai Perak, Semenanjung
Malaysia. Sungai Perak berada di Pentas Sunda manakala Sungai Hau berada di
dalam bio kawasan Indochina. Persampelan dilakukan pada April hingga Mei dan
September hingga November 2013 di Sungai Perak dan dari Jun hingga Ogos 2013
di Sungai Hau. Stesen-stesen persampelan telah dipilih berdasarkan penzonan
mengikut kepadatan penduduk serta guna tanah. Kaedah tinjaun berstratum di
gunakan untuk menilai komposisi. Sejumlah 35 spesies dari 23 genera telah
dikenalpasti dalam kajian ini. Daripada jumlah ini, 22 spesies dikelaskan sebagai
pokok hiasan, 13 spesies adalah rumpai dan 3 spesies merupakan makanan manusia.
The Araceae is a monocotyledonous family and is one of the largest families in
the world after the orchids, grasses and sedges. The aroids play important roles in
human life such as supplement of food source, ornamentals and medicine. Hence, a
study was conducted on the distribution of aroids along the Hau River in the Mekong
Delta, Vietnam and the Perak River, Peninsular Malaysia. The Hau River is in the
Indochina while the Perak River is in the Sunda Shelf. Field surveys were conducted
from April to May and from September to November 2013 in the Perak River and
from June to August 2013in the Hau River. The sampling stations were selected from
zones based on human population density and land use for both the Hau River and
Perak River. A stratified sampling method was used in the study. A total of 35 aroid
species from 23 genera were identified from both study areas. Out of this number, 22
species are classified as ornamentals, 13 species as weeds and 3 species as food