Summary: | Kajian ini melaporkan pengajaran menggunakan Reader's Theatre (RT), satu kaedah yang mempunayai unsur-unsur prosodi dan teater untuk mengajar sastera Bahasa Inggeris. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meninjau sejauh mana kefahaman pelajar terhadap teks sastera Bahasa Inggeris dan motivasi mereka terhadap pengajaran sastera Bahasa Inggeris dapat ditingkatkan melalui kaedah RT. Seramai dua puluh orang pelajar sebuah sekolah berasrama penuh di Malaysia telah belajar dan mementaskan teks sastera Bahasa Inggeris bagi Tingkatan Dua iaitu Potato People karya Angela Wright menggunakan kaedah RT. Kajian ini menggunakan teori Experiential Learning dan Model Kolb (1984). Bagi membandingkan peningkatan kefahaman dan motivasi pelajar terhadap subjek sastera Bahasa Inggeris, dapatan dipungut melalui instrument dan peringkat yang berbeza. Pelajar menjawab soalan-soalan pre-test, soal selidik dan temu bual sebelum melalui pembelajaran sastera Bahasa Inggeris menggunakan kaedah RT.
This study reports the use of Reader’s Theatre (RT), a classroom approach that has elements of prosody and theatre, to teach the literature in English component for lower secondary students. The aim of the study is to investigate how the approach can increase students’ comprehension of the literary texts and also their motivation to learn literature. Twenty students from a premier school in Malaysia studied and staged Angela Wright’s Potato People, a Form Two literature text, using RT. The procedures and design of the study are built around Kolb’s (1984) Model of Experiential Learning. To compare the increase of comprehension and motivation, data on students’ literature learning was collected through different instruments throughout several stages. Before the use of RT, students were administered a pre-test, a questionnaire and an interview to gauge their comprehension and motivation towards literature learning.