Summary: | Ciri-ciri kualiti dan kestabilan produk seakan sosej berasaskan ayam yang ditambah sayur-sayuran terpilih; capsicum, lobak merah, bayam, kubis ungu dan cendawan tiram telah dikaji. Pada fasa pertama, proses saringan telah dijalankan dengan menggunakan pelbagai peratusan (30%, 40%, dan 50%) sayur-sayuran dalam formulasi sosej. Fasa kedua melibatkan pemilihan peratusan formulasi terbaik sosej, yang kemudiannya dianalisis dari segi mikrostruktur, komposisi kimia, dan sifat-sifat antioksidan. Fasa terakhir adalah kajian kestabilan penyimpanan sampel sosej pada suhu 4°C selama 21 hari. Sebanyak 16 sampel termasuk kawalan telah disediakan dan dianalisis dalam kajian awal. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa 14 sampel mempunyai julat skor 4.00-5.00 untuk ujian lipatan, menunjukkan kekuatan gel yang baik telah dihasilkan oleh sampel. Jenis dan peratusan sayur-sayuran dimasukkan ke dalam formulasi sosej tidak menjejaskan pH secara signifikan (P<0.05) dan memberikan kehilangan memasak yang lebih rendah berbanding sampel kawalan. Sosej didapati menunjukkan peningkatan dalam keupayaan memegang air pada 40% penggabungan sayur-sayuran.
Quality characteristics and stability of chicken-based sausages-like product incorporated with selected vegetables; capsicum, carrot, spinach, purple cabbage and oyster mushroom were studied. The screening process was conducted in the first phase with various percentages (30%, 40%, and 50%) of vegetables in the sausage formulations. The second phase involved the selection of the best percentage formulation of sausages, which was further analyzed for the microstructure, chemical composition, and antioxidant properties. The final phase was the storage stability study of sausage samples at 4°C for 21 days. A total of 16 samples included control were prepared and analyzed during preliminary study. The results revealed that 14 samples had the range of 4.00-5.00 score for the folding test, indicated a good gel strength of the samples produced. Both type and percentage of vegetables incorporated into the sausage formulations did affect the pH significantly (P<0.05) and gave a lower cooking loss as compared to the control sample. The sausages were found to show an increase in water holding capacity at 40% incorporation of vegetable.