Summary: | The ancient city of Mrauk-U is one of the most attractive tourist destinations
in Myanmar. Among the ancient city of Myanmar, the ancient city of Mrauk-U
still retains its richness in art and architecture of religious monuments. Now,
the inventory list of ancient monuments shows that there are 157 ancient
monuments around Mrauk-U. Majority of ancient monuments except a few
were built of stone. Many stupas and temples were ruined by heavy rain or
by bombing during the Second World War. Similarly many stupas and
temples were destroyed by treasure hunters who are in search of antiquities
and valuable jewellery. On the other hand, the ancient city lacks proper
tourist facilities as well as communication and transportation facilities. The
aim of the paper is to revive the historic atmosphere of the ancient city of
Mrauk-U by preserving and restoring ancient monuments and establishment
of efficient tourist facilities to attract more tourists. Then, creation of further
tourism facilities which fit into the tourism products, handicraft development
and physical control with the development of human settlements and
activities are necessary. The main objective of the paper is to develop
tourism in the historic city of Mrauk-U area is a controlled manner. If
unplanned, the ancient city could lead to uncontrolled development which
would quickly degrade the religious monuments, the natural resources and
the cultural fabric of the ancient city. To safeguard the sound future
development of tourism in the historic area of Mrauk-U, it is essential that the
local residents be integrated into all programmes and that their social and
economic welfare improve alongside increasing tourist activity.