Summary: | The conservation of historical buildings is a method on preserving structures which are
historically and culturally important to the nation. Conservation involves works undertaken to
preserve the condition of the building to its original state and this also includes the
subsequent maintenance works. Maintenance is identified as a means on prolonging the
lifespan of the historical structures. Without proper and systematic maintenance works,
without doubt, the historical buildings will deteriorate and becoming dysfunctional as well as
unfit to be used. This paper intends to highlight the establishment of maintenance
management, the responses on the importance of maintenance works to be undertaken for
historical buildings, factors governing the effectiveness of maintenance works on historical
buildings and maintenance approaches, inclusive of maintenance programmed undertaken
on the structural, non-structural elements as well as the services systems. The findings for
this research are summarized from the responses obtained directly from the respondents
employed for the management of the historical buildings. Case studies involving 20 numbers
of historical buildings, of which some are already categorized under national heritage, were
carried out. The methodology for this research is based on personal interviews and
distribution of self-developed questionnaire which consists of 10 key topics, all developed
relating to conservation of historical buildings and the current scenario on the implementation
of maintenance works on these buildings.