Summary: | Malaysia has a very high rainfall average through out the year. It is endowed with
far more rainfall than the amount of water demand. Rainwater harvesting has been carried out
for generations in many rural areas. Our rural communities have the traditional ways to collect
rainwater. This paper describes our traditional harvesting system and how their system
influences modern practice of rainwater harvesting. Thus our traditional harvesting is made
compulsory as an essential knowledge when move forward to implement the modern rainwater
harvesting. For a practical approach, rainwater harvesting system nowadays includes the
catchments area, conveyance system, filtering, distribution system, and storage facility.
Whereas, the traditional rainwater harvesting is simple, namely from the rooftop catchments and
directly goes to cistern storage. But, with the advantage of city public water supply nowadays,
people were forgotten about rainwater harvesting. Even in houses where gutter and down pipes
are already fixed, rainwater is left to flow wastefully into the drainage system. Subsequent to the
1998 April drought, The Ministry of Housing and Local Government have expressed the
Government’s interest for buildings to be designed to include rainwater harvesting system. The
traditional practice of collecting rainwater where it falls has been revived to provide inexpensive
water source for thousands of people. With the installation of rainwater harvesting system, it is
yet to be hoped that in the near future; water users will not fully depending on public water