Summary: | Delays are one of the biggest problems construction firms face. It happens in most construction
projects. Delays can lead to many negative effects such as lawsuits between owners and
contractors, increased costs, loss of productivity and revenue, and contract termination.
According to Bordoli and Baldwin (1998) and the World Bank (1990), for 1627 projects completed
worldwide between 1974 and 1988, the overrun varied between 50% and 80%. In the United
Arab Emirates, where construction contributes 14% to the gross domestic product, a study by
Faridi and El-Sayegh (2006) revealed that 50% of construction projects encounter delays. In Iran
many of constriction projects encounter delays also.
This paper addresses two primary research questions as how do often happen delay in industrial
construction projects? And how can a contractor mitigate of project delays? To achieve the above
research questions, a case study approach will use in this research. The case study is selected in
Iran. Data is collected through interviews and project documents.