Summary: | This paper highlights the key problems in heritage conservation of the historic
areas in Yangon especially Yangon Central Business District (CBD) and factors influencing the
management and conservation of historic landscape in Yangon, Myanmar, such as historic
impacts of planning and development ideologies and the regulative effects of planning
instruments and organizational structures. Revising numerous documents, reports and field
observation revealed the problems of CBD in relation to conservation of historic landscape. The
conservation of historic urban landscape concept had been reviewed from the international
definitions and standards and guidelines and current initiatives for the conservation of historic
landscapes. The research critically reviewed the legislations and institutional arrangements
concerning with conservation and management of historic core areas of cities such as Yangon
CBD and historic core of Vienna. The research also investigated how international practice in
conservation such as historic urban landscape management can be modified to be relevant for
conserving Yangon CBD. Questionnaires were sent to concerned people from Yangon to get
their opinions and views on measures for proper planning legislation for conservation of historic
urban landscape. The research highlighted on how shortcomings in Yangon CBD´s planning and
conservation legislation address conservation of historic urban landscape. Finally, research
investigated the effectiveness of current planning legislations for conservation, with reference to
representative cross-sections of Yangon CBD and historic centre of Vienna and
recommendations had been given regarding the implications for integrating the conservation of
historic city centre concept into Yangon CBD´s planning and management system.