Summary: | Academic institutions in the country are at present re-examining their business
philosophy and trying to deliver quality education to remain attractive. Pressed by
globalization, liberalization and accelerating competition, the education industry is
facing up to these challenges by becoming more innovative in its transformation. Getting
the ISO 9000 certification is quite a trendy phenomenon nowadays. But how do the
academics react to this management system innovation? This paper tests a model of
innovation acceptance (ISO 9000 certification) that conceptualizes interest, knowledge,
involvement and perceived value as independent variables and implementation strategy
as the moderator. One hundred and fifty structured questionnaires were distributed to the
academic staff of the Faculty of Business Management where ISO initiatives were
underway. The study shows that there is a significant correlation between perceived
value with interest, knowledge, acceptance of innovation and implementation.
Hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicates that the implementation strategy
(participative strategy) enhances the relationship between interest and innovation
acceptance. Interest can be cultivated, knowledge disseminated and involvement
maximized through an implementation strategy that co-opts the staff from the inception of
the change initiative.