Summary: | Pengenalpastian komponen meruap dan bukan meruap dalam sutera jagung dan kaitannya dengan ciri-ciri diuretik telah dikaji. Serbuk sutera jagung dipanaskan pada sepuluh kombinasi masa dan suhu yang berbeza termasuk satu serbuk sutera jagung kawalan (tanpa pemanasan) bagi mengenalpasti komponen meruap menggunakan GC-MS. Dua jenis ekstrak sutera jagung yang digunakan dalam kajian ini iaitu akues dan metanolik bagi mengenalpasti komponen meruap dan bukan meruap menggunakan GC-MS dan ujian penskrinan. Setiap ekstrak, diberikan kepada setiap tikus Sprague-Dawley secara oral bagi penentuan ciri-ciri diuretik. Selepas 24 jam pemberian ekstrak, paras pengeluaran urin, pH, osmolaliti, Na+, K+ and Cl- ditentukan.
Identification of volatile and non volatile compounds of corn silk and its
association with diuretic activity were investigated. Corn silk powder was heated at
ten different combinations of time and temperature, including control corn silk
powder (unheated) for identification of volatile compounds via GC-MS. Two types
of corn silk extracts were used in the present study namely aqueous and methanolic
to identify the presence of volatile and non-volatile compound using GC-MS and
screening test, respectively. Each extract was orally fed to individual Sprague-
Dawley rats for diuretic properties determination. After 24 h administration of
extract, the level of urine excretion, pH, osmolality, Na+, K+ and Cl- were measured.