Summary: | This study compares the extent of the influence of non-tangible forms of social capital on
organisational commitment at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), in Penang, Malaysia
and two universities in Sumatra, Indonesia, which are, Universitas Andalas and Padang
State University (APU). Amongst the academic staff at USM, three social capital
factors—collective action and shared values, relational trust and cooperation, and
cohesive bonds and connectivity through participation—have a strong positive impact on
affective and normative commitments. At APU, only the factor of cohesive bonds and
connectivity contributes to affective commitment. Collective action and shared values as
well as cohesive bonds and connectivity were shown to have contributed to higher
normative commitment. Relational trust and cooperation, which are important indicators
of social capital, did not seem to have any impact on the three organisational
commitments. At USM, continuance commitment was negatively related to cohesive
bonds and was not related to any other predictive variables. At APU, higher collective
action and shared values reduced continuance commitment.