Determinants of intrapreneurial behavior: The effects of psychological and organisational factors.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the psychological and organisational factors that can be crafted to promote intrapreneurial behaviour among Malaysian workforce which could subsequently enhance their overall performance. This study specifically examines the effects of psychological factors (L...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ahmad, Noor Hazlina
Format: Monograph
Published: Universiti Sains Malaysia 2012
Summary:The aim of this paper is to investigate the psychological and organisational factors that can be crafted to promote intrapreneurial behaviour among Malaysian workforce which could subsequently enhance their overall performance. This study specifically examines the effects of psychological factors (Le., locus of control, propensity to take risk, and need for achievement as well as the organisational factors (i.e., management support, work discretion, reward and reinforcement, organisational boundaries and time availability) on intrapreneurial behaviour. Following that, the effect of intrapreneurial behaviour on job performance is also tested. Multiple regression is utilised to test the hypothesized relationships. The findings unearthed that all paths are significant except for the effect of time availability on intrapreneurial behaviour. Overall, this study offers valuable insights into the psychological factors as well as factors within an organisation that could instigate intrapreneurial culture among Malaysian workforce. Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji faktor-faktor psikologi dan organisasi yang boleh dibuat untuk menggalakkan tingkah laku intrapreneurial dalam kalangan tenaga kerja Malaysia bagi meningkatkan prestasi mereka secara keseluruhan. Kajian ini secara khusus mengkaji kesan faktor-faktor psikologi {iaitu, lokus kawalan, kecenderungan untuk mengambil risiko, dan keinginan untuk pencapaian serta faktor organisasi (iaitu, sokongan pengurusan, budi kerja, ganjaran dan pengukuhan,sempadan organisasi dan ketersediaan masa) pad a tingkah laku intrapreneurial. Berikutan itu, kesan tingkah laku intrapreneurial pada prestasi kerja juga diuji. Kaedah regresi berganda digunakan untuk menguji hubungan hipotesis. Hasil ditemui bahawa semua faktor adalah penting kecuali kesan ketersediaan masa ke atas tingkah laku intrapreneurial. Secara keseluruhan, kajian ini menawarkan pandangan yang penting tentang faktor-faktor psikologi serta faktor-faktor dalam sesebuah organisasi yang boleh mewujudkan budaya intrapreneurial dalam kalangan tenaga kerja Malaysia.