Summary: | In this report, the research on welding defect detection and classification using
radiograph images is presented. The first part of the report describes work on
collection of digital radiograph images while the second part covers work on
image processing and analysis using the collected images.
The radiograph images from the Fuji DynamIX DynaView Workstation are
custom-exported with the help of the NDT specialist. The collection of
interpreted images is diverted from radiograph images captured using the old
X-ray tube {Tube A) to the new X-ray tube (Tube B). Tube B images are
needed to evaluate the performance of the developed defect detection
algorithm under different radiography conditions. However, the total number
of requested images remains approximately the same so that no extra
workload is imposed to the NDT specialist.
In the image processing stage, a flaw map, as described in the previous report,
is used. Six welding defect types, namely Porosity{POR), Drop Through{DT),
and Lack of Fusion{LOF), Lack of Penetration{LOP), Linear Indication{LI)
and Undercut{UC), have been investigated. DT is detected using the
background subtraction technique along with some heuristic rules as described
in the previous report. For other detects, a set of image features including
shape and texture information is extracted to characterize the welding defect
flaws at the regions of interest (ROl). For POR, a series of sub-regions are
further segmented in order to better represent the characteristics of POR at
different locations in the ROl.
To perform classification of the welding defects, an artificial intelligence (AI)
technique, i.e., the Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) neural network, is applied. A
series of experiments has been conducted by using the sample images
collected from Tubes A and B. The overall performance is around 73% for
accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for both CF6-80 Connector Weld and
Cover Weld programs. The only exception is that the sensitivity rate of the
Connector Weld program stands around 63%. Further work will focus on
ascertaining the stability of the FAM network in defect classification, as well
as on improving the overall performance of the defect detection algorithms
developed in this project.