Summary: | Plants have provided sources to find novel compounds. These plants are being used as
therapeutic purposes since the birth of mankind. The traditional healers normally utilize
medicinal plants as crude drugs while scientists using the folk claim as guides to explore
medicinal plants. Moringa oleifera is a famous edible plant having therapeutic and
nutritive values. The present study was designed to cumulate the research data regarding
to what extent, phytochemical, nutritional and glycemic control studies has been explored
using its different extracts. The articles indicated that the powder, aqueous, methanol and
ethanol extracts of Moringa oleifera (leaves, pods, seeds, stem and root bark) have
significant therapeutic herbal potential to treat diabetes mellitus. Collectively, the
mechanism behind is intestinal glucose inhibition, insulin release as well as decrease in
insulin resistance probably regeneration of b-cells of pancreas, increase in glutathione and
reduction in malondialdehyde. Conclusively, this article give descriptive information
about antidiabetic effect, claimed marker compounds and proposed antihyperglycemic
mechanism of a single plant. It can be suggested a potential herbal source to treat diabetes
mellitus as being widely accepted by major population as nutrition and therapeutic agent.