Summary: | One of the biggest challenges facing leaders today is the need to develop new business
models that stress on effective leadership styles, employee job satisfaction and
sustainability without sacrificing the financial and non-financial performance. The
objective of this study is to examine the relationship between leadership styles and
business performance of multinational companies operating in Malaysia mediated by job
satisfaction. A quantitative study, using self-administered structured questionnaire, are
issued using purposive sampling via direct distribution to 150 employees working in
MNC. Analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Partial
Least Square (PLS) indicated that spiritual leadership style has the highest significant
influence on job satisfaction, followed by authentic leadership style, transformational
leadership style, and transactional leadership style. In addition, job satisfaction has a
mediating effect on the relationship between each of the leadership styles, namely,
transactional, transformational, authentic, and spiritual on business performance.