Summary: | Measurement of rates of propulsion in the small intestine
in control and experimental groups of male Sprague-Dawley
rats (200-250 g) were carried out as a means of assessing
antidiarrhoeal activity of aqueous extracts of the leaf of
Psidium guajava (Linn.), using morphine as the standard drug of reference. Hyperpropulsion (diarrhoea) was induced by gavaging rats in_a control group with Microlax, using phenol red mixed into it as a marker in the intestine and the mean rate of the hyperpropulsion was determined. The normal rate of propulsioh, defined as the percentage of the length of the ileum traversed by the front of the dye in 1 h after gavaging animals·with a liquid paraffin-phenol red meal, was also determined in another control group.