Summary: | Blood transfusion is a routine medical procedure that is highly effective and
potentially life-saving treatment for many patients. However, blood transfusion
procedure is not without a risk. It may lead to a major morbidity and mortality. Therefore,
nurses’ skill and knowledge are very crucial to assure safe transfusion practice.
This study was carried out to assess nurses’ knowledge on the blood transfusion procedures,
including knowledge on complication of blood transfusion. A descriptive study was done
involving a random sample of 200 nurses involved in blood transfusion in HUSM. A
validated modified version of Routine Blood Transfusion Knowledge Questionnaire
(RBTKQ) was used. The questionnaires were completed by the nurses in the presence of the
researcher. Each correct response was awarded one point. No point was awarded if two
conflicting responses were selected.
Our nurses overall knowledge score were average with the mean of 54.88% (range 30.36-
73.2). There was significant association of knowledge score with the frequency of
performing blood transfusion. However, no significance association between knowledge
score and other factors such as gender, academic qualification, duration of working
experience and type of wards. Even when comparing between those who had receive training
in blood transfusion and those who not, there was no significant difference of knowledge
score between them.
In conclusion, the nurses had significant knowledge deficits of blood transfusion process.
Since good awareness of blood transfusion procedure and complications among nurses could
avoid transfusion error and adverse reaction as well as assuring patients’ safety, there is a
need for a compulsory on-going educational and training program to improve their
knowledge with complimentary regular audit program.