Summary: | This thesis focuses on the study of food preferences, foraging activity, interand
intraspecific interactions as well as baiting of Paratrechina longicornis
(Latreille). Amongst all the carbohydrate and lipid foods, P. longicornis preferred
saccharose sugar and egg yolk (P < 0.05) the most. Crazy ant also highly preferred
dried anchovy and it was significantly (P < 0.05) preferred over the other candidates
except dried prawn, tuna fish and sausage. This species are also more attracted to
lower viscosities but higher concentrations of food (P < 0.05). Besides that, P.
longicornis favoured their diet in liquid solution as well as protein and lipid food in
solid form (P < 0.05). In contrast, semi-solid food was less appeal to these ants (P >
0.05). P. longicornis preferred relatively large food particles but not above 1900 μm
in size. Foraging activity of P. longicornis was influenced more by ambient
temperature compared to relative humidity. In addition, rain would affect the
foraging activity of ants in varying degree depending on the duration and intensity of
rainfall. Two peaks of activity were recorded, on between 5.00-7.00 pm and the other
between 1.00-5.00 am.