Summary: | Objectives : To examine whether or not excess pyruvate can provide the metabolic sub~trate to
support the growth of early embryos in the presence of peritoneal fluid with endometriosis or interleukin- a .
Introduction : The adverse effect of peritoneal fluid with endometriosis on .early embryo growth has
previously been described (1). Recent studies suggest that interleukinsmay be the embryotoxic factor
mediating the effect of endometriosis. This hypothesis is supported by the presence of interleukins in the
peritoneal fluid obtained from women with endometriosis (unpublished observation). A common-metabolic
pathway mediating the effects. of endometriosis and interleukin could provide further support to the
hypothesis. ·
Methodology : Two-cell mouse embryos were cultured in 1 ml Whitten's medium as previously described
(1). The effects of excess pyruvate (1 mmol) on early embryo growth in the presence of peritoneal fluid
with endometriosis or interleukin-8 were examined. The embryos were cultured for 3 days.
Results : Both peritoneal fluid with endometriosis and interlf:)ukin-8 were found to significantly inhibit
the development of early mouse embryos. The in vitro development from 2 cells to blastocysts was
suppressed in the presence of peritoneal fluid with mild, moderate or severe endometriosis (p<0.001
Fisher's exact test). lnterleukin-8 (16 and 1000 pglml) however inhibited mainly the development of the
later stage embryo, from morulae to blastocysts (p<0.001 Fisher's exact test). Interestingly, pyruvate
was effective in reversing the embryotoxic effects of both the peritoneal fluid with endometriosis and
ConClusion : The ability of pyruvate to reverse the embryotoxic effects of both peritoneal fluid.with
endometriosis and inter/eukin-8 suggests that a common pathway may be involved in their actions. This
provides further support to the hypothesis that interleukins mediate the embryotoxic effect of peritoneal
fluid in endometriosis.