Summary: | Many cases of constructions failure have been reported and the prohibitive
cost of investigation has also increased due to the unavailability of subsurface
information. The physical and mechanical behaviours of geological materials are
commonly unpredictable. Lately conventional methods that include: drilling, cone
penetration test (CPT), vane shear test, standard penetration test (SPT) have long
been directly used in geotechnical site investigation for civil engineering purpose.
Yet, in its implementation these methods required more cost compared to the total
cost of construction project. Commonly three to five boreholes only, which
geotechnical engineers using extrapolate method of boreholes to cover entirely site
area. Advanced geophysical technologies are capable of solving these problems.
These methods are relative more cost-effective, fast, non invasive and more robust of
data acquired. Geophysical methods of surface wave and geo-electrical resistivity
imaging methods were carried out at three investigation sites: Merbok Kedah, Balik
Pulau and Nibong Tebal Pulau Pinang in Peninsular Malaysia. Continuous fixed roll
along method was implemented for two dimensional surface wave field data
acquisition. A Wenner-Schlumberger array was selected for geo-electrical resistivity
imaging. The results of the study at the three sites showed that for Merbok site, the
geophysical methods have successfully delineated residual soil over bedrocks and
successfully detected marine sediments over weathered granitic bedrocks at Balik
Pulau site as well as also reasonable results of detected low velocity zone at Nibong
Tebal site.