Summary: | The recent technology in the world of microprocessor is blended with complex chips
that incorporate multiple processors dedicated for specific computational needs. Therefore, in
any shared memory system, an arbitration technique plays an important role to allocate access
to the shared resources. The major challenge dealt in the proposed research is the achievement
of maximum CPU utilization by exploiting its multiple cores with moderate bus bandwidth
allocation and low system latency. In order to tackle the aforesaid problems, an intelligent
adaptive arbitration technique has been proposed for the masters designed according to the
traffic behaviour of the data flow. The proposed intelligent adaptive arbitration technique is
implemented using STREAM, which is a synthetic benchmark program that measures
computational rate and sustainable memory bandwidth. In terms of performance analysis, the
proposed arbitration technique has been compared with the recent arbitration technique, such as
adaptive arbitration technique, dynamic lottery bus arbitration, round robin arbitration and static
fixed priority arbitration. To enhance the CPU utilization and bandwidth optimization, the
proposed arbitration technique has been modelled using SystemC and OpenMP threads using
the method of parallel programming to enable multi-core computing. Some recent arbitration
technique achieves fair bus bandwidth allocation up to some extent but fails to achieve
maximum CPU utilization, as the processor spends 95-96 % of their time idle and waits for
cache misses to be satisfied. The proposed arbitration technique is a strong case in favour of
maximum CPU usage and bandwidth optimization, as it consumes the processor cores up to
74% and also reduces the bandwidth fluctuation as well as latency.