Summary: | A total of 114 type 2 diabetic subjects who attended the Diabetes Clinic in Hospital USM were selected
for this study. Fasting venous blood was obtained from each patient and was analysed.
The Chemical Pathology Laboratory performed Lipid Profile including Total Cholesterol (TC),
Triglycerides (:G), LD~ Cholesterol. (LD~C), an~ HDL Cholesterol (HDLC). The Endocrinology
Laboratory perfonned Diabetes Profile Including Fasting Plasma Glucose ((FPG) and hemoglobin AlC
More than two thirds (71 %) subjects had hig~ TC (~ ?·2 mmol/L); 90% had high LDLC (~ 2.6 mmol/L;
81% had low HDLC (< 1.55 mmol/L); and 42Yo had high TG (~ 1.71 mmol/L). The most common pattern
of ~yslipidaemia ~as mixed hyperl.ipidaemia (37%),. ~allowed ?Y .hyperch?lesterolemia (34%) and
hypertriglyceridaemia (5%). Glycaemic control and ethnictty were significantly Important determinants of
elevated TC, LDLC, and TG. Gender influenced TC. Body Mass Index (BMI) influenced TG.
The conclusion of.this study i~ tha~ hyperlipidae~ia is prevalent, es~e~ially h~ercholesterolaemia, and is
a major problem In ~e 2 diabetics. Gly~a~mtc con~ol and .ethntcity were Important determinants of
diabetic dyslipidaemia. Age, gender, ethntctty, duration of diabetes, BMI, smoking, family history of
diabetes, dan AlC do not affect HDLC.