Summary: | Objective : In Malaysia, the decline in fertility and mortality as well as improvement in
life expectancy were said to be responsible for the aging of the population by the year
2020. Our life expectancy at birth has increased from 56 years in the 1950s to 70.4 years
for males and 75.3 years for females in the year 2002. The purpose of this study is to
present a broad overview of current knowledge of socio-demographic characteristics and
health conditions among elderly population age 60 and over.
Methods :This is a cross-sectional study which involved a total of 270 participants of
elderly, aged 60 years and above under 3 health clinics of Kota Bharu operational areas.
Guided- questionnaire were administered by the researcher and the subjects were asked to
Results: Sixty-six percent of elderly were women and majority of them were muslim (
go to clinics or community centre on the appointed date for physical examination and
98.5%). Nearly 62% of them never have any formal education and about 62% were
blood taking for fasting blood sugar and total cholesterol.
unemployed. Regarding the income, more than 50% dependent on their child and about
66% of them have income less than RM 200. The prevalence of elderly who smoked,
physically active, and overweight/obese were 17%, 39.6% and 30.8 respectively. Elderlywho have visual impairment were 63.3°/o and 37% have hearing impairment. About 15%
have fasting blood sugar more than 7.8 mmol/1, 68.8% have total cholesterol level more
than 5.2 mmol/1, 47o/o have diastolic hypertension, and 57.4% have systolic hypertension.
When using activities of daily living ( ADLs) as an indicator for physical disabilities, the
prevalence of physical disabilities was I 0. 7%, whereas 34.8% for instrumental activities
of daily living (IADLs).
Conclusion: Older population is varied in personal background, lifestyle behavior,
medical conditions and physical disabilities. This diversity should be acknowledged in
social policy as well as government on the prevention of chronic diseases which are
either preventable or modifiable with healthy lifestyle habits as well as with some
correction measures.