Summary: | The terminology of the emotions has been described simply as adaptive action
disposition where it applied to the organism for either approach or avoidance related
behaviors. This study title as ‘Neural process of emotional arousal from the
Malaysian Affective Picture system: A P300’. Through this study, deeper
observation was conducted in order to identify the differences of the latency and
amplitude of P300 ERP component across the level of arousal in Malaysian
Affective Picture and to visualize and analyze the source of P300 ERP component
across the level of arousal in Malaysian Affective Picture using 128-electrode sensor
net. There are two phases that were implemented in this study, which the first phase
is known as Affective measure of the Malaysian Picture with 47 participants and the
Event Related Potential for second phase with 32 participants. Students with
neuropsychological disorders and alcohol dependents are excluded. Participants
completed the passive paradigm by focusing and responding to the stimuli that have
been presented to them. The amplitude, latency and the source of P300 ERP
component were observed and determined. The results obtained were analyzed using
‘One way-repeated measure ANOVA’ from seven electrode sites (Fz, Cz, Pz, C3,
C4, P3 and P4). The analysis revealed that there is no significant difference for the
latency and there are significant differences in amplitude across levels of arousal
showed by the electrodes of C3 and P4 sites, the localization also showed that there
were no emotional features involved in this study. Thus, the future research needs to
include varying types of emotional stimuli (high arousal stimuli with unpleasant
valence value).