Summary: | The purpose of this study 1s to evaluate the effect of Fresh Frozen allograft
on a large-sized tibia defect 111 a rabbit model when a non vascularised
periosteum sleeve is wrapped around it. This is an animal experiment, a pilot study
and descriptive in nature carried out in MEDICAL SCHOOL. UNIVERSITI
A total of 12 matured ma le rabbits were used. Nine( 9) rabbits were
divided into three groups (A,B,C) and three (3) other rabbits were used as control
group (group D). A 3 em segment of the (R) tibia shaft was removed and the
defect was then replaced with bare allograft and stabil ized with Kirschner wire
(K wire) s ize 2 mm. The leg was immobilised with Plaster of Paris.
In the groups A,B and C the a llogra ft segments were wrapped
circumferentially by the free non-vascularised periosteal flap that was harvested
from the (L) tibia. The rabbit mode l in group D had allograft transplantation only
without the incoorperation of free autogenous nonvascularised periosteal
At the end of 211
d, 41
h and 61
h weeks the rabbits from each of these groups
were X rayed. The plain C.T scan of the (R) T ibia were taken and later with
infusion of IN radio opaque dye. These procedures were be ing done under general
The results observed m the rabbits where there were periosteum used to
wrap around the entire segment of allografts, there were union at both ends of
the allografts seen at the end of 4th and 6th weeks. At the end of 2nd week both
ends of the allograft were still seen not united, but some callus was seen to form
at the fracture ends. However at the end of 61
h weeks, beside a good union that
was observed at the host-graft junctions, there were solid callus seen encasing
the whole allograft segments. But in a control group where the allograft
segments were left bare without periosteum transplant, there were no callus
form surrounding the allograft segments. Union at the both ends of the
allograft segment have not occurred at the end of 2nd , 4th weeks and at the end of
6th week the allograft was seen to fragment and telescope into the medullary
cavity of the host.
In conclusion, the free non - vaseularised periosteum transplantation
modified the healing ofallogral1 and maintained the intergrity ofthe allograft.