Summary: | The purpose of this study was to provide an empirical base to demonstrate
that there are factors at individual level and organisational level which have influence
in shaping intrapreneurship (intrapreneurial behaviour: innovative and proactive) in the
organisation. Factors at individual level encompassed psychological characteristics of
locus of control, need for achievement, and propensity to take risk, whereas, factors at
organisational level were examined in terms of organisational climate, management
support. and reward and resource availability. Data were collected from a total sample
of 213 knowledge workers (e.g. engineers and programmers) from manufacturing
sector. The results revealed that only the need for achievement, propensity to take risk,
management support, and reward and resource availability have positive impacts on
intrapreneurship. With this, this study suggested that organisation should employ high
need achievement and propensity to take risk workforce accompanied by offering
greater management support, and adequate reward and resource availability in
fostering intrapreneurship development which is considered vital for the organisation
growth and sustainability in long term.