Summary: | The uniparenlally inherited mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA) is in the limelight for the past two decades, in
studies relating to demographic bistoJy of mankind and in
foreosic kinship testing. Jn this study, human mtDNA hypervariable
segments I, 2, and 3 (HVI, HV1, and HV3) were
anal)'7.ed in 248 uorelated Malay individuals in Peninsular
Malaysia. Combined analyses of HVI, HV2, and HV3
· revealed a total of 180 mtDNA haplotypes with 149 unique
haplotypes and 31 haplotypes occmring in more than one
individual. The geoetic diversity was estimated to be 99.47%,
and the probability of any two individuals sharing the same
mtDNA haplotype was 0.93%. The most frequeot mtDNA
haplotype (73, 146, 150, 195, 263, 315.IC, 16140, 16182C,
16183C, 16189, 16217, 16274, and 16335) was shared by 11
(4.44%) individuals. The nucleotide diversity and mean of
pair-wise differences were found to be 0.0