Summary: | En1nlion is one of the 1111portant con1ponents of total hun1an functioning \vh.ich can influence the
athlete's perf(mnancc. The Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning (fZOP) model (Hanin, 2004)
holds that athlete's performance related emotion are unique and therefore interventions should be
individually designed. The aim of present study was to examine the idiosyncratic nature of emotion
content ami intensity among athletes and to find out if the emotion intensity for the athlete is
significantly different among individuals playing in similar and different position. Participants
consisted of 23 football athletes aged 21-30 years, who represent Kelantan state at the competitive
level. Findings lent support that each athlete within a team has individual emotion content and
intensity, which are unique and different from one another. The trend of the result showed
significant differences between athletes playing in similar position and executing similar task,
implying idiosyncratic nature of emotion intensity. No significant differences were observed in
emotion intensity, among athletes, between different playing positions. However, an exception in
the case of positive-optimal (P+) emotion was noted. The patterns of emotion intensities reflected
in the emotion profiles had specific shape, typical for best (iceberg shape) and worst (cavity shape)
performance. Roughly designed optimal zones were made for each athlete so as to help the coach
and psychologist in emotion regulation, as pa11 of psychological assistance.