Summary: | Quercus infectoria is an oak tree available in Asia Minor include Greece and
Iran. The project is conducted to evaluate the antiproliferative activity of Quercus infectoria
Olivier galls' extracts in vitro. Three extracts from aqueous crude extract by soaking and
soxhlet method, one extract from ethanol crude extract by soaking method and one extract
from methanol extract by soaking method were used. All the five crude extracts were used
to treat HeLa and Caov-3 cancer cells line to screen for their antiproliferative activity. All
the extracts shown to have ICso less than 100 Jlg/ml. Among them, the highest
antiproliferative activity ofiC50 2.82 Jlg/ml was shown by the ethanol crude extract treated
HeLa cancer cell lines. HeLa cells (most potent cell lines) was then treaed with ethanol
crude extract for 24,48 and 72 hours and stain with dye Hoescht stain 33258 stain to
demonstrate the morphological changes occur in cell and nuclear membrane as a result of
apoptosis. In conclusion, Quercus infectoria galls' extracts contain potentially active
compounds that act as anticancer agent.