সংক্ষিপ্ত: | A study was performed to evaluate the feasibility of applying MIPs as sorbent
material in SPE for clean up of terbutaline from urine and plasma samples. The
imprinted polymer was prepared by using methacrylic acid (MAA) as functional
monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as cross-linker and salbutamol, a
closely structural analogue to the targeted analyte as template molecule. Porogen used
was a mixture of acetonitrile-methanol (75: 25 % v/v). Free radical polymerisation was
conducted at 50 °C for 24 hours. Molar ratio of template molecule: functional monomer:
cross-linker applied was fixed at 1: 4: 20. The output was a monolith macroporous
polymer which required grinding and sieving to obtain fine particles between 40 to 75
pm. Soxhlet extraction method was conducted to remove the imprint molecule in order
simultaneously using the same procedure except in the absent of template molecule.
A binding study of terbutaline in several solvents was performed to determine
suitable solvent for loading, selective washing and elution steps. Selectivity test on the
MIP against blank polymer demonstrated that both polymers exhibited different
between both polymers were observed, indicating the presence of specific binding in
imprinted polymer. In blank polymer, only weak non-specific interactions occurred.
Cross-specificity studies showed the MIP also exhibited molecular recognition
properties towards other structurally related compounds. Spiked urine and plasma
samples were diluted in 100 mM ammonium acetate buffer pH 7 (ratio = 1:1 v/v) prior
to direct loading (5 mL) into a cartridge filled with 50 mg of MIP. Thereafter, the column
recognition properties towards terbutaline. Significant differences in elution curves
to create the recognition sites. A blank/non-imprinted polymer was