Summary: | Forensics identification using fingerprint analysis is only possible if there is a complete
pattern of ridges obtained from the crime scene. In this study we have attempted to perfonn
DNA analysis on processed smudged fingerprints. A subject was requested to deposit
complete and portioning fingerprints on glass surface. The deposited fingerprints were
exposed to 18 •c, 28 OC, 34 •c, and 40 OC for an hour, 3 days, and 7 days. The fingerprints
were then visualized using black powder, were measured and one of sample was recovered
using tape lifting method. A total of 2t.11 of the extracted DNA was quantitated using Real
Time PCR (Quantifiler kit). 2 samples with DNA concentration above 1.0 ng was used for
amplification using Amp Ff.STR ldentifiler kit and another 2 samples concentration above 0.2
ng was used for amplification using AmpFtSTR Minifiler kit. Both kits failed to amplify
with DNA and therefore optimization is required for the collection and extraction methods
used in this study.