Summary: | This quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted to identify level of
patient satisfaction towards nursing care in medical and surgical wards at
Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM). The objective is to determine
association between level of sociodemographic characteristic (gender, age,
race, marital status, educational level, health insurance, and occupational
status), level of patient satisfaction level and its relationship with nursing care at
medical and surgical wards. One hundred and twenty (n=120) respondents who
met the criteria were asked and agree to participate in this study. The
instruments consisted of demographic data form and adapted and modified
questionnaire of Walsh (1999). The Satisfaction with Nursing Care Scale
Questionnaire (SNCS, 19 questions) measured concerned the nursing care
subscale such as Attentiveness, Comprehensive care and Role clarity. The
reliability of SNCS was 0.930. Data were analyzed by using Statistical for
Social Science (SPSS) 12.0 with alpha level is 0.05. The Independent t test
were used to measures level of patient satisfaction towards nursing care and
chi-square was used to assess the relationship between sociodemographic
characteristic score of patient satisfaction and types of wards. At the 5%
significant level, the Ho is rejected if p <a (0.05). Inferential statistics was used
to answer hypotheses and it will be determined by Chi-Square test. Chi-Square
was used to identify the relationship between the score level of satisfaction and
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the patients' age. Results were as follows: 1 ). There were no relationship
between patient satisfaction with nursing care; 2) There were no relationship
between level of patient satisfaction with medical and surgical wards. ihe
finding suggests that, other features of nursing care such as patient experience
during hospitalization, the hospitalization length or comparing between teaching
and non teaching hospitals would be interesting.