Summary: | Objective approaches of measuring the visual function impairment such as visual field
and visual acuity are inadequate and do not totally reflects the true quality of lite in the
glaucoma patients. Currently. questionnaires are used as the health related quality of life
instruments. Only few studies has been done to assess the correlation between the two.
To evaluate the reliability of the modified NEI VFQ 25 in the Kelantan glaucomatous
patients and to correlate the modified NEI VFQ 25 and utility analysis to the visual field
and visual acuity impairment.
A cross sectional study was carried out from April to October 2006. Translation of the
questionnaires by translation and back translation method was carried out first. f()llmved by
a pilot study on 30 glaucoma patients using the translated questionnaires. The process or
reliability assessment on the questionnaires were done after the pilot study. There were 134
patients selected for the study. Ocular examination was carried out on the patients including
the visual acuity assessment using the standard Snellen chart. After completion of the
ocular examination, the patients underwent an interview by in person approach using the
modified NEI VFQ 25 and utility analysis questionnaire. Lastly, the patients underwent the
Esterman binocular visual field test usmg standard Carl Zeiss Humphrey Perimetry
Cronbach's a for the modified NEI VFQ 25 was 0.740, indicating moderate internal
consistency. The total modified NEI VFQ 25 showed significant positive correlation with
Esterman binocular visual field (P<O.OO 1 ). A significant negative correlation noted
between modified NEI VFQ 25 score with LogMAR visual acuity in the better eye
(P=0.009) and also with LogMAR visual acuity in the worse eye (P<0.001 ). Modified NEI
VFQ 25 subscale showed higher correlation with the visual acuity in worse eye compared
to better eye. Modified NEI VFQ 25 subscale showed low to strong correlation with
Esterman binocular visual field. A significant negative correlation was noted bctw·een
modified utility analysis with LogMAR visual acuity in the better eye (P=O.O l 0) and also
with LogMAR visual acuity in the worse eye (P<O.OO 1 ). A significant positive correlation
was noted between modified utility analysis with Esterman binocular visual field
(P<O.OO I).
The validity and reliability of the modified NEI VFQ 25 were shown to be sufficient.
This questionnaire is applicable to the Malay-speaking population as quality of life
instrument.A significant correlation noted between modified NEI VFQ 25 with visual
field and visual acuity of glaucoma patients. The modified utility analysis also showed
significant correlation with visual field and visual acuity of glaucoma patients.