Summary: | Childbirth is the following stage for women to be a mother. It affects the
mothers' condition in many ways particularly via psychological and physical
consequences. Thus, by measuring the quality of life, mothers can gain information on
how much change they have gone through following the childbirth process. Increase risk
of postnatal morbidity cause a lot of studies done including the role of mode of delivery
in post natal mother's condition particularly in life quality. The purpose of this study is
to assess the quality of life among postnatal mothers with vaginal delivery and cesarean
section. This cross sectional study had 50 respondents who included women aged more
than 18, had delivered baby after 4 weeks or above, voluntarily participate in this study
and able to speak and understand in Malay and English language. The setting of this
study involved 0 & G clinic in HUSM. This study used WHOQoL questionnaire for
survey assessment through convenience sampling. This questionnaire also includes
sosiodemographic data questionnaire. Statistical analyses used for this study is
Independent T test for difference of QoL between NVD and CS mothers, ANOV A test
for association of QoL with educational level and socioeconomic status and Pearson
Correlation for correlation of QoL with age. Among 50 women participated in this
study, 22 were in NVD group while other 28 mothers are in CS group. Based on the results by comparing QoL for NVD and CS mothers, the entire domain except for
overview perception towards life, NVD mothers had higher score compared to CS
mothers. Even so there is no significance difference of QoL between NVD and CS
mothers. In measuring association of QoL with selected socio demographic data which
included age, educational level and socioeconomic status, the study showed there is no
significance association between QoL with selected socio demographic data. As a
conclusion, eventhough the study found no significance difference in QoL and methods
of delivery, the higher mean score in NVD mothers compared to CS mothers indicated
better improvement in health and recovery process after delivery.