Summary: | The December 2014 flood incidence is identified as the worst unexpected natural
calamity ever experienced by the country in decades. The heavy downpours caused severe
flooding in several states especially Kelantan, The flood affected thousands of people, with
nearly 120,000 people evacuated from their home, over 150,000 people lost their property and
livestock while 2000 to 3000 houses destroyed in Kelantan. Floods pose obstacles for disaster
response. They can create barriers to evacuation and cause problems to transport various needed
supplies. Floods also have the ability to harm infrastructure, utilities and communication. This
situation would prevent news and information from being broadcasted and disseminated
especially to the victims and the public in general (Penuel & Statler, 201! ). Therefore, it is
pertinent to identify or develop the most appropriate medium or method of disseminating
information in the whole cycle of the flood; pre, during and post disaster. Effective flood
warnings and communication are essential to successful flood risk management (Bradford &
O'Sullivan, 2013). The main aim is to make sure the information must reach the citizens
immediately in order to minimize the intensity of the disaster among the affected people (Shaw
& Sharma, 2011 ). Communication not only requires having the proper radio and other wireless
equipment, but being able to integrate, correspond and coordinate (Ohl, 2006). The most local
concern issue was upsurge of critical ill patient itself during that peek time without proper
communication arrangement.