Summary: | Quality of Life (QoL) is unique in different individuals. The measurement of
QoL among the geriatric patients can assist health professionals in achieving clinical
objectives which included assessing the effects of illness and treatment, identifying
the need of support services and developing health enhance environment. Objective of
this study was to assess the QoL among hospitalized geriatric patients in Medical
Ward Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. A
cross-sectional study was conducted among geriatric patients who were admitted to
Medical Ward HUSM with any diagnosis. There were 51 respondents participated in
this study. Data was collected using self-administerd questionnaire (WHOQOLBREF)
with enquiring and explaining about the existence of phenomena understudy
by the researcher.
Overall finding of the study revealed that majority of the independent
variables, demographic data are not significant with the dependent variables, QoL of
the hospitalized geriatric patients. Among all the study variables, QoL of the
respondents were not associated with age, race, marital status and financial sources.
However, there is an association between educational level and satisfaction with
health status among the respondents. In addition, the mean different of physical health
and psychological health among gender of respondents also showed significantly different. Finding showed QoL m male respondents were higher than female
respondents in all aspects.
As a conclusion, QoL of the geriatric patients will not decline just because of
ageing and there is a significantly different between male and female's QoL. Hence,
the health care providers should be cautious before making any assumptions about the
QoL of individual patients and just not merely based on their health status.