Summary: | Apart from the physical and psychosocial impact, oral diseases in children
have been linked to poor school performance that influences later life potential. Earlier
studies have examined a range of oral health conditions using various clinical and
subjective measures; nevertheless, there is a lack of empirical evidence and discussion
explaining the pathway model of any specific oral health condition leading to poor
academic performance. The current thesis hypothesized that dental caries, which
operates through toothache, can disrupt learning activities and result in poor
performance at school. Two studies, one cross-sectional and one case-control were
carried out on two non-overlapping samples of schoolchildren aged 12-14 years in
Jazan, Saudi Arabia. The outcome measures were a pass/fail GPA grade and teacher
perception of the child’s academic performance. The exposure parameters comprised
the common oral health conditions in children, which were assessed by clinical
examinations and a self-perceived questionnaire. The relationships between poor oral
health-impacted sleep and study activities, and academic performance were also
assessed. The findings of both studies were consistent in showing that dental caries,
gingivitis, plaque deposits, toothache, tooth discolouration, and oral health impacts
that are related to sleeping and studying were significantly associated with academic
performance. The finding also showed that dental caries is the most likely oral health
condition that can be linked to poor academic performance. The odds of failing the
examination were between 3-6 times greater for every unit increase in decay severity
(OR boys = 3.09; 95%CI: 2.25, 4.25, OR girls = 3.23; 95%CI: 2.48, 4.19 in the cross sectional study) (OR boys = 6.34; 95%CI: 3.82, 10.50, OR girls = 5.26; 95%CI: 2.86,
9.66 in the case-control study). Subsequent mediation analysis found two models
indicating the indirect effect of caries on academic performance. Toothache and
impacted sleep (Boys: bootstrap 95%CI: 0.02, 0.29) (Girls: bootstrap 95% CI 1.37,
12.81) and toothache and impacted study activity (Girls: bootstrap 95% CI 0.10, 0.82)
were the significant mediators in the two-mediator pathway analysis. The
investigation of a causal relationship using the Bradford Hill criteria had further
supported the pathway models; the direct effect of dental caries on academic
performance lacks rationale and the pathway through the mediators explain the
relationship better. Thus, the findings of this thesis supported the hypothesis that
dental caries has a role in explaining poor academic performance in children and it
operates through mediators including toothache, and impaired sleep and study