Yhteenveto: | Crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) gauge was designed to perform fracture mechanic testing on fracture mechanic specimen. In this project, a CMOD gauge was developed to be used in fracture mechanic testing. The designed CMOD gauge follows the standard by ASTM E399-09. Selection of materials was taken to select suitable materials used to develop the CMOD gauge. Compact (CT) specimen was used as the fracture mechanic specimen for the test using fabricated CMOD gauge. From the test, crack mouth opening displacement, Vm was calculated with 0.075974 mm and compared with the theoretical value with error obtained was 1.3%. This result conclude that the designed CMOD gauge can be used to performed the fracture toughness test with error less than 5% which was considered low. Crack length propagation was calculated using strain for every 50 seconds. The crack length growth was calculated by using the strain value. The final cost calculated to fabricate the CMOD gauge was RM 364.19. The costs obtained was extremely cheaper than the current market price for CMOD gauge. The development of CMOD gauge proved to be cost effective and the developed CMOD gauge are able to performed fracture mechanic testing.